
HumanTrap.com is about exploring issues that the mainstream media refuses to confront. Here at HumanTrap.com we believe that instead of watching and reporting on the “powers at be”, the media has become subservient to the powerful interests that are behind both government and major corporations.   These same powerful interests have put humanity in general and each individual person particular into what we call the “Human Trap.”

More often than not, the trap is often one of the mind where the majority of the population’s opinions and belief systems are shaped.  Unfortunately for us, this is the hardest battle to wage because people have been conditioned their whole lives to “trust the system”.  People do not like to hear frightening truths, they would rather be assured that everything is all right. Regrettably, the problems have become too large and the list of lies have become too dangerous to try to ease people awake.  The only solution now is to spread the truth as quickly as possible.  Here at HumanTrap.com we hope to do this in our own unique way.  We have not lost yet and we want our voices heard!  We want to add to the debate and add a little dash of humor to many of these all too dire topics.  We must have hope that we will win, the courage to take a stand, and the good nature to smile when all the odds seem against us.  So join us on our journey of discovery because just possibly, the world is a much stranger place than we may think!




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